View Profile MetalMaverick
Anyone can be different, but it takes real effort just to be yourself.

Andrew Coe @MetalMaverick

Age 43, Male

Vancouver, WA

Joined on 10/17/02

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I want you all to fail!

Posted by MetalMaverick - May 31st, 2008

This is in regards to all other users here who submit content on Newgrounds.

For the most part, I'm a pretty laid back guy. I don't concern myself too much with how well others do compaired to me. I simply like to make cartoons, and if I can entertain a few people along the way then great! I'm sure there's others here who are the same way.

However, whenever you submit something, you want your work to do well. That's natural right? You spend a decent amount of time on something and you can only hope to see some decent results come from it. But do you ever find yourself wishing for the competition to fail, regardless of how good it is. Or do you find yourself incapable of enjoying a flash that's also been submitted the same day as you, despite the quality?

Personally, when I finish a flash, it's one of the best feelings ever. Finally getting done that project you may have spent months on. But when it comes to submitting it online (especially here at Newgrounds), it can be one of the most nerveracking experiences. Will people like it? Will I get first for the day? Is there someone else just waiting to release his/her masterpeice any moment now?

I don't like thinking these kinda things, but it's hard not to. And I'm sure this is the case for many of you as well. I figure so long as I'm at least not clicking zero on all the other submissions than I at least haven't completely lost my soul.

Why am I posting about this, I don't know. Probably cuz I'm working on a flash at the moment and needed a break. It's just something that popped in my head.

What's usually goes through your head after you just submitted a flash?


OMG i hope it passes! is usually what goes through my head

Why the hell do you make such enourmous eyes on your characters ?? It a bit annoying :S

Anyway , yes that also happend to me despises i don't expected this far my flash to be masterpieces , cause i know they are not :P

And Flash animation it's supposed to be fun , if it becomes annoying then it' s not worthy anymore ...

"Why the hell do you make such enourmous eyes on your characters ?? It a bit annoying :S"

Because I can :D

As for flash becoming annoying, I would hardly say that flash has ever become annoying enough for me to ever want to quit. Doing certain types of flashes perhaps, so long as your doing flash they way you wanna be doing it.

I'm only making flashes for fun at the mo so as long as other people enjoy it I'm good. Its cool to get trophies and such, but the real rewards come in the reviews and stuff. Frontpage is an awesome thing to get too :-)

I dont really wish failure on others, although i can tell from whatever flashes have been submitted in the day which ones are gonna end up in the top 5.

The topic title intially made me think of 'There will be Blood' and Daniel Plainview, luckily it wasn't as negative as I thought it would be. I don't think you should wish for the failure of others, you should wish that hopefully your work is better than them, otherwise your not improving they are getting worse.

What you are talking about is like winning a trampoline competition when you rival breaks his leg on his first jump. Poor example but still.

Overall I disagree with your idea, but I can definetly see where you are coming from.

My idea? I wan't really making any idea's. I was mainly pointing out that sometimes we get a little voice in our head that try's to make us think a certain way.

TheSwain just set up a timebomb for all strategy game makers, he's releasing his new Mastermind game soon, when that happens, Tom will surely say "strategy game expectations have been raised forever" and nobody will be able to complete. And that kills independent falsh strategy games forever...

It happens, but I wouldn't say that anyone is incapable of competing. That just comes with the territory of being independent doesn't it? It isn't easy, but work hard on it and it could take you places.

I think it's a good thing that the bar is always at least just right outta reach. That way you always have something to reach for.

I vote zero on anything that looks like it could be decent competition against mine.
I'm such a horrible person. T_T

I honestly don't care whether anyone likes my work at all. I submit with full contentment as is, and any negative response will not dent that. That's not to say it doesn't please me when I see a review from someone who really knows their stuff and can give a solid professional critique, but that happens once every thousand years on NewGrounds, so I don't expect it.

I'd rather get a review with a 0 that explains through the use of valid applicable knowledge of filmmaking and animation why my cartoon sucks, than a 10 with a shout that says it was enjoyable.

I honestly don't give a rats ass if you enjoyed it. I don't make cartoons for anyone but those who like it. I don't know who those people are, but it doesn't matter. No matter what you do, someone out there will like it.

I couldn't care less how the competition fairs either, because scores, awards, they all mean nothing at all for me. If one person likes my cartoon, then it's perfect and I'm happy. I'm really in this for myself, and I think everyone else should be in it for themselves first and foremost too.

You should never concern yourself with popularity or accolades.

So to answer your question, what goes through my head are bursts of memories of working on the cartoon.

No, you should never concern yourself with things like popularity. But you can't tell me you've never thought about it, even just a little... >:)

I'm usually torn over whether or not it will get front page.

Which it usually doesn't :P

Saying that, I haven't submitted for about a year now...

Never give up, never surrender!

I haven't submitted much, but I know what you mean. But I actually like that feeling. It's like excitement, a fight for having the best of the day. Waiting to see if your Flash will end up being conquered by something huge (one time I submitted a flash the same day as a new Xombie, but I already knew it wasn't going to win anything). I can't wait to feel that again when I get my current project done :D

When I submit I always wait till 8 at night and watch the competition as the day goes on so the competition won't be so bad.

The last time I thought about popularity, I was 13.

the first thing I do before submitting anything to this site is check out that the road is clear. and there are no luis, swain or hans van harken submissions around. if one of them is there you might as well wait for tomorrow because they will win all trophys. leaving you with a mediocre dayly 5th or without trophy

That goes through my head every time. I usually submit it, and then try not to use my computer until 9:00, to see how I did. Usually, though, I end up being drawn in and watch it dip and rise and see other things get close and surpass it. It's the worst feeling ever.

Yes, anything you can do to remove internet access from your reach that day is a good thing. I can easily burn a hole through the refresh button on days like that.

Pretty much the same thing.

crap... I hope this never comes to mind when I submit my stuff...

I hear ya.

There's no such thing as failing on Newgrounds these days. EVERYTHING immediately gets into the top fifty. I guarantee you I could slap something together in a day that would get 4.24 or higher.

Yeah, Under Judgement is one of those nerve racking moments. I have to find myself something to do or lock myself out of my room so I would stop refreshing the page.

"do you ever find yourself wishing for the competition to fail, regardless of how good it is. Or do you find yourself incapable of enjoying a flash that's also been submitted the same day as you, despite the quality?"

Sounds like a hater mindset to me. Obviously I've never submitted anything myself, so I wouldn't really understand your intricate web of emotions, but generally what your saying sounds like something a hater would say. I don't mean any offense by it, just voicing an observation.

Thank you Dr. Phil :P

Basically what I'm saying isn't much different than when your on the road, someone cuts you off, and you secretly wish that person would swerve off the road and into a ditch. You don't really wish it, but a small part of you does.

1st case: man, man, oh dear, pass pass.... pass.... PASS


2nd case: like orgasm. you dont wanna know

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