This is in regards to all other users here who submit content on Newgrounds.
For the most part, I'm a pretty laid back guy. I don't concern myself too much with how well others do compaired to me. I simply like to make cartoons, and if I can entertain a few people along the way then great! I'm sure there's others here who are the same way.
However, whenever you submit something, you want your work to do well. That's natural right? You spend a decent amount of time on something and you can only hope to see some decent results come from it. But do you ever find yourself wishing for the competition to fail, regardless of how good it is. Or do you find yourself incapable of enjoying a flash that's also been submitted the same day as you, despite the quality?
Personally, when I finish a flash, it's one of the best feelings ever. Finally getting done that project you may have spent months on. But when it comes to submitting it online (especially here at Newgrounds), it can be one of the most nerveracking experiences. Will people like it? Will I get first for the day? Is there someone else just waiting to release his/her masterpeice any moment now?
I don't like thinking these kinda things, but it's hard not to. And I'm sure this is the case for many of you as well. I figure so long as I'm at least not clicking zero on all the other submissions than I at least haven't completely lost my soul.
Why am I posting about this, I don't know. Probably cuz I'm working on a flash at the moment and needed a break. It's just something that popped in my head.
What's usually goes through your head after you just submitted a flash?
OMG i hope it passes! is usually what goes through my head