View Profile MetalMaverick
Anyone can be different, but it takes real effort just to be yourself.

Andrew Coe @MetalMaverick

Age 43, Male

Vancouver, WA

Joined on 10/17/02

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Looking out for the little guy.

Posted by MetalMaverick - March 11th, 2008

I haven't been on Newgrounds a whole lot for a good while up until recently, but as they say, "the more things change, the more they stay the same."

In the last few weeks I've noticed a fair amount of posts here in regards to artists hating on other artists. Whether it be for use of tweens, parodies, whatever. Some of you are not happy with what you see, and instead of handling it like an adult, you'll piss and moan about it.

This isn't just some archive of flash games and animations, it's a community. Instead of giving each other crap for what we do, shouldn't we instead be working toward improving each other. Often I'll see reviews for animations that have nothing but negative things to say, even hurtfull at times. What does that accomplish? Wouldn't it be more productive to try and at least point out what was good (most every animation has at least something if you try to find it), and then follow up with constructive critizism without jumping down their necks?

The vast majority of users here aren't great artists, hell some of us barely even qualify as one even if you use the word loosely. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun and to try and entertain both ourselves and others. Some of us don't have the time to sit on our computers all day and animate frame by frame. Others my lack the artistic skill to draw well, and instead of subjecting you to their scary ass art, they use sprites.

As for parodies, sometimes people just like to make things based on what they know and love. God know's I've done my fair share. It hasn't been til recently that I've done anything completely new and my own. But I'm not done with parodies, in fact I'm working on a parody right now. I love doing them and to hell with what everyone else thinks. I've also seen some artists who gone from being parody makers to straight up originality, while now mocking those who do make parodies. Kinda sad in my opinion. The way I see it, if you know it's a parody and you can't stand parodies, DON'T WATCH IT!

The fact of the matter is, some of you wouldn't even give two shits about them if they didn't get decent if not great scores sometimes. But this is Newgrounds, and that's what many here like. Don't like the way things are run around here, then make your own site just for crusty stuck up animators. This isn't some democracy here, this is Tom's house.

We should all be thankful for this site. I know I am. It's an excellent place for us to showcase our work. Animation, writing, voice work, musical talents, you name it. Let's not clog the place up with too much negativity now, shall we?

Peace :)

*Edit* - It seems a lot of you are under the impression that I mean to say all reviews should be fluffy and sugary! God no! I care little for those. You can say you didn't like this or that, and you can do it without being a total douche about it. Your all three dimensional human beings, the world isn't black and white, and neither should your reviews be.


Uhhh just how exactly is this post looking out for the little guy?

Mainly cuz we often get big name artists who tend to bash others for use of things like tweens and sprites. Again, they aren't too terribly talented to do it frame by frame or draw their own art at all, or simply don't have the time. Personally I think it's unfair to them. They're just trying to make a flash. We should try to focas more on the substance of the flash, and not on the colored candy shell.

Because the people you are defending shouldn't be whining and complaining at all.

Since they are what's popular why are you telling the minority that they aren't allowed to have their own opinion? Are you saying not only are they hyped but you have to love them too? Now, who exactly is being unfair?

I never said anything about throwing away ones opinions. If that were the case this place might as well delete the option to review at all. But there's a difference between constructive critizism, and being an ass.

When I get reviews, I have a tendancy to skip over a lot of them. Not because I don't appreciate praise or hate for my work, but because I'd rather see the reviews that show what they felt I did right and wrong. Reviews with a score of 10 that say "ZOMG! I love it" are almost as bad in my opinion as the scores of 0 that say, "Go to hell".


A community filled with love and peace would be ideal. Shame we're on the internet though. :/

It's true. That's what you get when you give the average human being the option to speak their mind with their identities kept secret. I believe Penny-Arcade has a t-shirt that sums it up perfectly.

I don't know, I just feel this place has too much hate at times. But I'll be damned if I'll contribute to that negativity. :)

Or you could just get over yourself and stop expecting nothing but hearts and flowers for your flash movies.

Refer to my previous responce to you...

Parodies are completely fine in my opinion.
They keep people who haven't imagniation to think up their own stuff, like myself, in business.
(I know this is unnecessary to write, but if I don't, people will just spam/moan. Yes I know you make a parody and be original at the same time, now read on.)

However, sometimes the word "parody" is used as an excuse to "not vote low".
Today, you aren't allowed by the author to vote low on a madness movie if you think the plot is lame. Because the ORIGINAL movie was like that, so it's okay.

Oh yeah... this was about friendship and beating the little guy. Alright, I'll spread my share of love.
MetalMaverick, I love you. jedi Duels and traning still makes me happy!
Keep on being yourself ;)

I'm not 100% sure I understand the second paragraph there so I'm gonna wing it.

I realize some people may use parodies as a way to try and increase their score and popularity. And sometimes it's effective. But regardless we should all at least give it a try before we cast judgement on it. And if we don't like it, explain.

I don't think anyone should write a bad review or give something a bad score just to try and lower a high score cuz they feel it's overrated. That really just makes one as bad as the lemmings they're angry at.

"This isn't some democracy here, this is Tom's house."

That is a powerful and a line I will remember for the rest of my life!

Yea, I agree with you on parodies you do them because you wanna express your love towards them.

Metal Maverick, You have made a very valid argument with this very post.

But I am talking about the ones who aren't underdogs that do the popular thing.

Their movies do incredibly well yet they seem to want more then that so I think their the ones who don't appreciate what they've got. Yes people can be less negative in certain circumstances but that can be said for both sides.

They're mainly the ones I've been refering about. Sorry, maybe I worded it wrong. Sometimes I ramble and lose focas of my thoughts.

But yea, what bothered me lately is guys who do excellent flash, and do get attention for it, yet they complain when their work is out scored by a Mario flash. I believe, (and God help you if you can get them to admit it) that it all stems from jealousy. They work very hard, come out strong, but just not quite strong enough to beat that recent tweened parody. It sucks, no question, but that's life. Crying about it won't fix it.

Your right, they're spoiled.

I'll even go so far as to say that they are spoiled.


Anyone who continuously gets over 20 thousand views for their movies and still complains about being "unloved." I'd say spoiled is a good word for it.

Refer to my recent responce to InsulinpumpClock...

people treat the review system as a comment box, as if it's just to shoot the shit and then leave.

recently, i've been trying to leave constructive reviews. i dislike it when i get both "OMG AWESOME" and "OMG SUX" reviews. they tell me nothing - what do they like/hate about it? i think i'm getting a bit off the point here, though.

personally, i disagree with your view on sprites. it seems more like just a shortcut than thoughtful. unless you create your own sprites, i view it as lazy. Paul Ter Voorde's Super Mario Reloaded is an excellent example of sprites being used in amazing ways. but then you get people who just use them because they lack the patience to further their own artistic abilities, and to be honest, i think those are the last people who should use flash.

With a program like MS paint or what have ya, editing sprites seems like a fairly doable thing for most. Yea there's some pretty lousy sprite animations out there. But my point was that we should not look down on other flashes simply for using tweens, sprites, or whatever.

For one thing, this is extremely accurate to me, because there is a huge number of asshole users who don't use good criticism, about 20% of the people here would probably be accurate. I swear to God, if you don't like a certain category of flashes, then don't review it, because every flash artist here, large or small, has to deal with this kind of crap! Even I have some flashes I hated without even watching, but did I take it up the ass and give it a crappy review? No! Metal Maverick, I thought there couldn't be users around here like you, but now that I have, I respect you fully.


First off though I agree that the world isn't Black and White, it's a tad pretentious to tell other people it is. It's just as valid to say the world is black and white, and often things will be black and white. It's a matter of perspective is no one is greater than the other on that account.

Secondly, as an animation student, and someone who has worked with animation professionally, I can attest that using tweens can be every bit as effective as not using them. Kol-Belov is an example of this. However, you have to use the tweens properly, and the thing is most people don't.

Third, unoriginal sprites are stolen artwork and shouldn't be allowed for that reason in my opinion. If you can show me you have permission from the artist then that is fine. If you went in the audio portal and heard a song that was ripped off a Britney Spears CD and then amateurs remixed and submitted as the musician's own work, would you give it a good score?

The bit about this being Tom's house is exactly right though. He is the boss and he made the site and if you don't like it enough to whine then you can leave. SURE. Except, if we always thought like that, the US would still be a British colony. A bunch of people immigrated there, and then decided they don't like things and had an uprising. It's a very similar situation.

Finally, I believe you shouldn't be allowed to leave a review if you havn't submitted a song movie, or met a minimum post count. Some way of assuring the reviewer isn't some lackey who just wants to go OMG SO EPIX LULUZ!. Those reviews should be marked abusive, because they aren't reviews at all and simply fuck with the score. I notice more and more that the more thought out and thorough a review is, the more likely it is to be marked useless or deleted. That is a sad commentary.

Anyway, everyone is entitled to say whatever they want about whoever they want, in my opinion. I agree this is Tom's site and he has final say, and he uses that power all the time. But to complain about other people complaining like you just did is as sad as the original complaints themselves. You are exactly the same as Rtil and what have you. That is the sad truth.

"But to complain about other people complaining like you just did is as sad as the original complaints themselves. You are exactly the same as Rtil and what have you. That is the sad truth."

Perhaps, but I feel at ease knowing that I'm at least giving others a chance despite not being uber original and not acting like a complete pig when writing a review. The world is full of assholes, but I'm not one of them. And that's something I can take to the grave.

"Finally, I believe you shouldn't be allowed to leave a review if you havn't submitted a song movie, or met a minimum post count. Some way of assuring the reviewer isn't some lackey who just wants to go OMG SO EPIX LULUZ!"

If that's the case then they should also ban people from reviewing for posting "OMG EPIC FAIL". As those have just as big an effect.

I give constructive critizism. I don't insult people or give them crap even though it's mainly the fault of the public and the system here at Newgrounds, not the artist, that the flash is overated.

Good to see you again MM. Yeah it would be great if idiots could take their internuts down a size or two " UR MOVEE FUKIN SUXX, U UZED DA SONICZ SPRITES INSTEAD OF DRAWIN IT U F4GGG" but unfortunately Newgrounds will always have a steady 12-14 year old population (no offence to the MATURE 14's and 13's). SO chances are we'll never get the supportive community you're looking for here. Good idea for a post though.

God knows it'll never really change. But if I can at least get a few people to think twice and really reconsider how they review, then that's enough for me.

I am InsulinpumpClock. Sorry I can't keep track of what account I've logged into sometimes. Thanks.

Ah ok, suddenly it makes sense now.

I agree, some guy told me my drawings look like "narrated finger paintings" and gave nothing else in the review for my game.

"If that's the case then they should also ban people from reviewing for posting "OMG EPIC FAIL". As those have just as big an effect."

It was intended in my post that such reviews would be banned as well.

In a review, if you do not explain, in detail, your thoughts, it should be considered abusive. Other wise it isn't a review at all, it's a dumb comment in a stupid box a la youtube.


Hi Mav, good seeing you around again. =D

Thanks. This time I hope to stick around a bit longer. :)

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